TUF WEAR Germany - Be the boxer you want to be!
TUF WEAR - a legendary brand for legendary boxing successes!
The famous Rocky Balboa films with Sylvester Stallone in the leading role have made the TUF WEAR brand known worldwide - TUF WEAR was able to achieve the reputation of a brand for champions but only strengthened by their high quality.
No matter what level you want to train at: With TUF WEAR you always get the quality to get the best out of yourself; improve your physical fitness, push your limits, strengthen your muscles and fine-tune your motor skills. Boxing is more than just a sport. Boxing is a passion!
Be the boxer you always wanted to be! Here you will find all the boxing equipment you need.
Boxing gloves for your training & competition
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Punching bag from TUF WEAR in many variants
No question: without a punching bag, the equipment of the boxer is not complete. The punching bag is one of the most important training devices for boxers - regardless of whether you are just getting started or are already an old hand. TUF WEAR Germany has a large selection of punching bags for you so that you can find exactly the one that suits your training and your training goal. In addition to the classic heavy bag , you will also find angle punching bags, punching balls and punching balls at TUF WEAR Germany - everything for varied, intensive boxing training. Of course in the usual TUF WEAR quality.
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TUF WEAR Germany
Original TUF WEAR products - direct shipping from Germany
Discover versatile boxing equipment with us to take your boxing training to a new level. In our shop you will primarily find boxing accessories for classic boxing a la Muhammad Ali, Max Schmeling, Mike Tyson or the Klitschko brothers. Your most important equipment are high-quality boxing gloves, which TUF WEAR Germany offers you in different weight classes, materials and types. So you can always wear the right boxing gloves - for speed training on the punching bag, in the ring with your sparring partner or at competitions.
TUF WEAR boxing gloves for every purpose
Choosing the right boxing gloves depends on various factors - including your body weight and your punching power, but especially your training goal. If you want to train on the punching bag, we recommend other boxing gloves. If you want to buy boxing gloves for sparring or even a competition, you should pay attention to the respective product details.
The TUF WEAR punching bag - your training partner around the clock
The punching bag is also an important part of every boxer's training - no matter what level he is already boxing at. With the punching bag you can train and improve different aspects - depending on the type of punching bag. Ideally, you train alternately on the heavy bag, angle punching bag, punching ball or punching ball.
Best of all: You train on the punching bag according to your wishes and don't have to wait for a trainer or training partner. Train on the TUF WEAR punching bag in the way that is ideal for you!
TUF WEAR boxing accessories - everything a boxer needs!
Also discover our versatile boxing accessories such as boxing bandages that protect your wrists from injuries, or TUF WEAR Boot Camp bags that challenge you extremely - just the right boxing equipment to strengthen your strength and muscles.
Youngsters are also increasingly discovering boxing for themselves - after all, it's not just a physical activity to burn off energy after school, but also great training for concentration, willpower and patience.
With us at TUF WEAR Germany you will find everything a boxer needs - and in the usual TUF WEAR quality. We are the only TUF WEAR shop in Germany. This is how you get the TUF WEAR products sent directly from Germany.