Boxing offers the great advantage that you can start at any time at home. But quite a few beginners are then like the ox in front of the mountain because they don't know how to organize their boxing training. This article will help with that. At the end you will find a good introduction to boxing training and can train diligently using the plan.
What you will learn in this post:
- Why every boxer warms up
- How to box without a punching bag
- How to learn the basic techniques
- Which box combinations are important
- Which exercises support boxing training
- And of course: What the training plan for boxing beginners looks like!
Warm up before every boxing workout!
Boxing is super effective for sculpting your body, losing fat and building muscle. One of the reasons for this is that it is a type of interval training that uses the whole body - from head to toe. Boxing therefore consists of phases of very high physical activity - fast, explosive movements - and phases of recovery. You can think of it like a boxing match: the boxers fight for three minutes each round and then have a short phase. Muscles and tendons must be warmed up and stretched so that they are not overly stressed during the explosive movements of boxing. This is how you reduce the risk of injury when boxing - and you certainly want to avoid a knock-out without a fight!
General benefits of warming up
- The body moves. It increases body temperature and supplies all nerves and muscles with sufficient oxygen.
- The increased body temperature, nutrients and oxygen prepare the muscles for training. They become more elastic and softer, which reduces the risk of injury.
- The movement stimulates the production of synovial fluid throughout the body. This is considered to be the body's own protective coat for your cartilage and joints. This means your bones are better protected from wear and tear and injuries.
What exercises are suitable for warming up in boxing
Basically, the warm-up is all about preparing your body. To do this, you have to move - no matter how - and get your body pumping. Many boxers choose the classic jump rope or stair running (alternatively run on the spot). But you can also do push-ups, go jogging or do a light warm-up on the weight bench. Just make sure you're not overexerting yourself and your muscles aren't already overstretched before you start boxing. Speaking of overstretched: stretching exercises should also be part of your warm-up! Make sure that you stretch as many muscle groups as possible - i.e. from head to toe.
What does shadow boxing do?
Some do it as part of the warm-up, others use shadow boxing to start training easily. No matter when and why: shadow boxing is an effective tool in boxing. For both beginners and advanced. Shadow boxing offers beginners the opportunity to learn the basic techniques. You should pay less attention to your shadow and more to your reflection. Ideally, stand in front of a mirror. So you can see immediately, your posture and the execution of your shots - and of course your mistakes! Advanced users often use shadow boxing for a few minutes of warm-up time. It is ideal because you can easily do it on the spot without a punching bag and without boxing gloves!
Do you know the basic techniques in boxing?
And more importantly: Do you already master them? If not, you should first get an overview of the different punching techniques in boxing here. You have to blindly master jab, cross, hook and upper cut. Only then can you learn to use the punches effectively in different boxing combinations. The best way to learn the basic techniques is in front of the mirror - preferably a full-length mirror, because not only the arms and shoulders have to be moved correctly. The hips and legs also have to work when hitting.
You practice the punches very bluntly through many, many repetitions. If you can do them better, vary the speed or test yourself in a few combinations so that the training doesn't get too boring and you stay on the ball.
Important box combinations at a glance
Jab, jab, hook. Jab, hook, hook. There are just such classic combinations of punches in boxing that are part of the standard repertoire of every boxer. The challenge with the box combinations is to internalize the different punch sequences and to be able to estimate exactly when which technique achieves the best possible result. Because every time your fist swings out to punch, it's not in front of your face for cover. With every attack you give the opponent the chance to attack himself. It is all the more important to know the box combinations and to know exactly which hitting technique can be used when which successes can be achieved.
Box combinations in the quick check [excerpt]
- Box Combo #1: 1-1 (Jab, Jab)
- Box Combo #1: 1-2 (Jab, Cross)
- Box Combination #1: 1-2-3 (Jab, Cross, Hook)
- Boxing Combo #4: 1-3-4 (Jab, Hook, Hook)
- Box Combo #4: 1-2-3-2 (Jab, Cross, Hook, Cross)
- Boxing Combo #7: 1-2-3-3 (Jab, Cross, Hook, Hook)
Warm-up and sports exercises for boxers
Before you learn which training sessions on the punching bag are effective, we would like to tell you a few exercises that will support you as a boxer in your fitness and skills. For effective boxing training, you don't just stand in front of the punching bag, you train with lots of other sports equipment. Because it is important that you train the entire body and not just shoulders and arms.
Exercises for shoulders, upper arms and chest/back

The variant for advanced users: dumbbell presses on the exercise ball. This also trains your core muscles on your stomach and back and promotes your sense of balance.
With so-called one- armed rowing , you only train on one side with the dumbbell in your hand. Bend your back straight forward (about a 45° angle), you can rest your free hand on your thigh for help. First, let the hand holding the dumbbell hang straight down. Now you pull them up in slow movements. Your elbows should run as close as possible to the ribs and not stick out from the body. When you lower the bar, your arm shouldn't be fully locked. This exercise works your shoulder, front upper arm and back muscles.
The variant for advanced users: rowing on both sides. Bend forward with your upper body again, hold a dumbbell in both hands and pull them up at the same time. If that's not enough for you, then try this variant: Gently lift the dumbbells to the side with both hands, as if you were stretching your arms. This trains additional neck and trunk muscles.Exercises for the trunk and back (core muscles)
With the Russian Twist you have a great exercise to train your core muscles - i.e. the abdominal and back area. All you need is a weight or medicine ball. Lie on the floor, bend your legs and plant your heels. With the weight in your hands, lift your back slightly off the floor so that you are at about a 45° angle. Now slowly twist your upper body from left to right with the weight in your hands. To make sure you're doing the exercises correctly: Let the weight hit the floor briefly on each side.The variant for advanced users: Russian twist with lunge. To do this, stand up and hold the weight in your outstretched hands. Each time you rotate left or right, you lunge. This not only trains the core muscles, but also arm, shoulder, leg, buttocks and calf muscles.
Another exercise to train the core muscles around the abdomen and back is the lateral upper body bend. You can do this in very different positions: For example, standing with a dumbbell in your hand, lying on your side on the exercise ball or on the Roman Chair. Theoretically, you can also perform the movement without any equipment at all (standing or as side sit-ups). With this exercise, which primarily focuses on the lateral abdominal muscles, make sure that you always stay straight with your upper body and only bend to the side - not forwards or backwards.
Exercises for buttocks, thighs and calves
Weighted squats, weighted pelvic raises, donkey kicks, mountain climbers, leg presses. There are many ways to strengthen your muscles in the lower half of your body - and above all, many options for varying the individual exercises. For example, you can do one-legged squats with and without weights, or cross lunges, which involve crossing lunges. With Bulgarian squats - one foot rests on a bench and you do the squat with the other leg - you can build up the front thigh muscles in particular. When doing a pelvic raise, you lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent. Place the weight (a plate or barbell) over your stomach and raise your hips so that your thighs, buttocks and back are in line. A similar exercise is the Frog Pumps: You lie on your back, bend your legs in a frog position and then lift your pelvis into the air.The squats with raised heels or jump rope are just right for toned calves. You can also add an extra calf effect to your squats by lifting your heels with each squat. Why should you train your calves at all when you punch with your fists? The calf muscles are extremely important so that you can walk, jump or climb stairs at all. They are the connection to the ankle, Achilles tendon and knee. Good calf muscles stabilize your feet and legs and protect you from injuries in this area.
Boxing training: This is what your training plan could look like!
Warm-up (about 5 minutes)
- Stretching exercises - Shoulders and arms should be stretched well, but don't forget your head and legs.
- Jump rope - either legged or alternating, start at an easy pace and then build up.
- Shadow boxing - punch some boxing techniques in the air. You can hone your punches before hitting the punching bag.
Punching bag training (approx. 10-15 minutes)
- Start with the basics and alternately hitting the jab, cross and hook. Repeat the punches 20 times on each side: 20 jabs with the lead hand, 20 crosses with the hitting hand, 20 left hooks, 20 right hooks.
- Practice a few punch combinations to get the individual punches flowing. Jab-jab-cross or jab-jab-hook will do for starters. Practice each stroke technique for three minutes each, resting 60 seconds in between.
Workout (about 10 minutes)
- Arm and shoulder exercises, e.g. B. One-arm row, three rounds of 10 repetitions per side.
- Core exercises, e.g. B. Russian twist with medicine ball, three rounds of 10 repetitions each (left and right rotation).
- leg exercises, e.g. B. Lunge with or without a bench (one foot on it), three rounds of 10 reps on each leg.
Cool down (approx. 5 minutes)
- Shadow boxing or jumping rope are good options for a light cool down. Pay attention to a moderate pace, because you want to slow down the cardiovascular system again and not push it.
- Finally, you should stretch all muscle groups again. This helps the muscles to regenerate and prevent muscle soreness.
How many exercises, rounds and repetitions your boxing training includes should always be tailored to your fitness level. Feel free to extend your punching bag training or strength workout if you notice that you are getting fitter and can do more repetitions. You can also intensify the individual exercises, increase the weight or change the level of difficulty.
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk and Cottonbro Studios on Pexels